Recent flowers


Below are some of my favorite recent blooms!
The Penelopes, the Christinas, and the Johnnie Belles (the newest addition to our line up)!

The Johnnie Belles are the small-round buds with mustard in the center. They are named after my sweet, sweet grandma, Johnnie Belle. I could not be more honored to be named after such a patient, kind, and all around beautiful woman.

shades of summer
Kayla Belle

Color Inspiration by way of Muncle Fred – Felt Flowers

muncle fred orange flowers
muncle fred yellow flowers
muncle fred blue flowers
muncle fred purple flowers
muncle fred pink flowers
muncle fred white flowers

Indie Craft Parade – Greenville, SC

This past weekend, I traveled to Greenville, SC for the Indie Craft Parade! It was an incredible weekend full of flowers, new friends, and coffee. I set up the flower shop with over 800 flowers so customers could handpick a bouquet, and I came home with fewer than 30 flowers! The whole weekend I felt so encouraged and inspired. The ICP team was incredible. They were the kindest most generous team, taking care of all the artist! The customers were so fun and totally love the flower shop! So thankful for the weekend!image image image